Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Student ball =)

This past saturday was the student ball for my school. The student ball is pretty much like prom but to make it even better they had a red carpet that the couples walked down and it seemed like the whole town was there to watch, haha there were soo many people! It was cool to see all the 3rd graders (senior equivalent) all dressed up and perty. =P

That was my exciting weekend haha, we had a four day weekend and that was the single most exciting thing that happened to me haha. It's ok because tomorrow morning, I am going to ......


I will definitly keep you guys posted and tons of pictures will be on facebook, promise!

Kram, Haley


  1. Hey ja läste precis igenom...i princip alla dina gamla inlägg (fråga inte varför) Fattar inte att ett år kan gå så rasande fort som det gjort..Läste om när ja bröt armen,när vi åkte till Finland,När du föll av cykeln..Skojiga saker (lol) och din blogg e nice =) Gör mej en stor tjänst och hälsa din mamma och pappa från mej..Du vet att ja brukar vara blyg..Speciellt om gästerna snakkar engelska..uj uj..Iaf hoppas du kmr få de bra i Tyskland =)
    Kram malan

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